How to Earn Money On YouTube: 11 Ways to Earn Money From YouTube

Earning money may be the only thing that each and every people in the world loves. Earning money from the web has become easier after the development of different sites to earn.But have you ever imagined that you could earn money on youtube? Of course, you can. YouTube has been active in the market since its establishment in 2005 and there are many youtube earning tricks and tips to monetize youtube channel.
There are more and more increasing active YouTubers publishing videos on YouTube. Many people think Google Adsense is the only way to monetize youtube channel but they’re wrong. There are many vloggers (YouTubers) creating and publishing videos and earning thousands of dollars every month.
These YouTubers use various monetization ways to monetize youtube channel and are increasing their revenues. I have 15 youtube earning tricks and tips that can monetize your youtube channel and increase your income.
This guide is for the youtubers who already have a youtube channel with sufficient views and subscribers rather than for those who are new and want to increase their subscribers. This is monetization method not a subscriber increasing method. Read this guide if you want to be a successful youtuber

Why do I recommend YouTube to Earn Money Online?

You might be thinking there are many ways to earn money online but why youtube? And your query is reasonable but I cannot answer your questions in one word. There are many benefits of earning money on youtube.
You might think I’ll say income is high rather than other ways to earn money but not only income there are other benefits also
Some of the major benefits of being a YouTuber are:

1. No Investment Required

Normally when you start anything online (which is legit), you need to invest some amount. Like, I am a blogger and a blogger must invest minimum $1.99/month for web hosting. I said minimum cause large VPS servers can cost $1000+ also.
But while starting a youtube channel you need no investment. Everything on YouTube is free. Though you can buy some services or tools for higher performance from third parties. YouTube doesn’t charge you a single penny for uploading videos.

2. Start Earning Immediately

There’s no time limit for earning on youtube. I think you don’t get it, in many methods to earn money you should have crossed certain time limit after the establishment of your account to earn money.
In YouTube things are not like that, you can earn immediately if you want to. There is no minimum time limit of account to earn money. But you should have minimum requirements like views, subscribers to earn efficiently.

3. Unlimited Earnings

With YouTube, there’s no limitation in earnings. There’s no limit of income in all the methods listed in this article. Though there’s no limitation in earning, highest income is till date is $15 Million of PewDiePie.
You can earn as per your work. Since there’s no limitation you can boost your earnings with some small boosting.

Is Google Adsense Only Way to Earn Money On YouTube?

No, Google Adsense is not the only way to earn money on youtube. Here are 10 methods except for Google Adsense through which you can monetize your YouTube channel.
You can use various other methods to monetize your youtube channel. Though Google Adsense is the only method that pays per view, some methods listed here will pay you comparatively higher than Adsense but other methods listed here are not PPV (Pay-Per-View) or PPC (Pay-Per-Click).
You can earn far higher than Google Adsense though you have to use some tweaks and tricks and your earning may be completely double.

Ways to Earn Money On YouTube

Here is the list of 11 best ways to monetize your youtube channel. Since all the methods can be used together your income will obviously high.

1. Google Adsense

There’s no doubt that Google Adsense is probably the best way to earn money on youtube. Adsense pays per view and click which no other methods listed below will pay.
Adsense is the way that most of the YouTubers use to monetize their videos. As it can be used by every niche videos it is a most popular method.
You will earn money if someone clicks Ad in the video or if someone sees video Ad for 30 seconds (The one that appears before the video is played).
But there is a disadvantage of using Google Adsense. We know everybody hates those ads appearing in videos. So there might be the case that people may not click the ad or may not watch the video ad for 30 seconds which will not give you a single penny.
Adsense doesn’t pay for every video view. So you might also go profit less while using Google Adsense. The earning from your Adsense depends upon the CPC of the keyword you have targeted.
If CPC of a keyword is $2 then if Google keeps it’s cut 45% you’ll get 45% of $2 i.e $0.9/ 30 seconds view or click. This is quite high, you can get $900 if you are able to get 1000 ad views or clicks.

2. Affiliate Marketing

Yeah! This is the second one. Not popular as Adsense but this is also one of the popular methods that many vloggers use. Affiliate Marketing doesn’t provide PPV or PPC earnings instead they provide sell earnings.
You should promote their product or service in your youtube channel by various methods like video featuring them, their review etc.
After promoting if someone buys those products through your referral link or uses your special coupon code you’ll get a commission.
This method is a bit difficult but has a very high payout. For example, if you are able to sell 1 web hosting package of WPEngine you’ll get $200 or 100% of first-month payment as per your wish.
If you are able to sell only 10 web hosting by creating an awesome video you can earn minimum $2000/month just from a single video. You can join affiliate networks such as ShareASale to join thousands of Affiliate Programs. Being supportive affiliate will automatically increase affiliate sales.

3. Promote Your Product

Everyone is not dependent on one-way income. People try various ways to increase their earnings. You might also be among them who have created your own product to increase your earnings. Instead of promoting others product as Affiliate you can promote your own product by featuring them to your viewers.
This will increase your sale and will also raise your company’s name in the market. In Affiliate Marketing you get some portion of the product you sell but in this method, you get the whole portion of the sale.
You may face some difficulties in the early period while doing this. Since your product will be new to people and there may also be some competitors of yours who are already settled in the market. But if you tried hard in your early days you can definitely make money from here.
If you have a product wort $100 and you are able to sell 10 copies among 10,000 visitors then you can easily earn $1000. This is also a tough but high payout method. Earnings depend upon the price of your product.

4. Sell eBook

Creating and selling the ebook through your youtube channel is the another way to earn money on youtube. You can make probably high income from this method.
In this method, you should create an ebook and sell it through your video blog. Before creating an eBook be sure that no one has created an ebook in that same category which will increase your chance of a sale.
Since eBooks are cheaper, many people who want to learn new things may buy your eBook if they take you as a specialist in their are.
I especially recommend you to use this method to earn money on youtube. This is the second method after Affiliate Marketing to use among these youtube earning tricks and tips.
If you can sell 25 ebooks at the rate of $30/copy, you can earn $750 easily. Though income is comparatively less than other you can use this method along with other to increase your income.

5. Fan Funding

YouTube has created a new feature which will allow you to earn money on youtube from YouTube itself. YouTube allows your viewers to donate some amount of money as per their wish.
You can add support this channel card in your videos for requesting your viewers to donate you.
You should have great skill to engage and impress your viewers to donate your fan. If you even earn $100 from the donation from your video it will be a great support for you.
This feature is only available until the end of 2017 as announced by Google. Read this article for gaining more knowledge about fan funding.

 6. Two-Tier Referral

This is probably the easiest way to earn money on youtube. You can use this method with all the methods mentioned above. In this method, you should refer people to join the affiliate program of the company through your referral link.
If anyone signs up to that company’s affiliate program through your link you’ll get certain amount or percentage of their referral earnings.
You should do nothing after referring them. This will not deduct commissions of person you referred but will give extra commission to you. If you refer 10 people to join an affiliate program and each of them made the sale of $1000 i.e $10000 in total.
You can get 10% of their commission i.e $1000 without doing a single work. DreamHost is one of the web hosting two tier network which pays you $5 for each sale made by your referral.

7. Conduct Webinar

If you are very popular in your niche and people have belief on you conducting a webinar is the another way to earn money on youtube. Along with your videos on youtube, you can conduct webinars to earn extra income.
You can charge a small amount for people to attend your webinar. Don’t make fees too high cause it’ll decrease your earnings. This will also increase your email subscribers.
Read this guide to learn how to conduct a webinar.

8. Freelancing

You can offer services like video editing, intro design etc for your viewers. If you are good at your work and your viewers need a job to be done, your viewers will definitely hire you.
You can charge $30/intro design or video editing. You can finish one at a day. You can earn up to $900/month if you have this much cheap rate. You can charge high according to your wish and quality but be sure your price are suitable.

9. Personal Advertising

Many companies want to expand their products. If your YouTube channel is much popular many companies may request you to add small video ad in your video. This is not PPV, you can charge your own rate for advertisement.
You can add small video clip to advertise a company before your video. You can fix your advertising charge per video to earn efficiently. Generally you can charge $1500-$3000/video ad. This is very high amount sufficient for you.

10. Product Review

You might be thinking I am suggesting you for fake product reviews but I don’t want to say it. Only write paid review of companies that you like the most and have trust on them.
Some companies will pay you some money for creating their review videos. With this you can increase your affiliate income with this method.
I suggest you to charge according to the product price. If the product costs $100 then you can charge 3x of that product i.e $300 for reviewing the product and if it’s free don’t hesitate to do it for free. This will make you some extra money. But be sure you won’t be making fake reviews.

11. Paid Content

Paid Content is also another method that YouTube has provided to their publisher to earn money on youtube. In this method you can charge viewers some amount of money for viewing your video.
You can also charge your people for monthly and yearly subscription for your channel as per your wish.
You can earn $1000 if you have 1000’s of videos in average. But this method is a deal of loss. If you’re planning to use other above listed methods from this list of youtube earning tricks and tips you should not use this method. This method is for one who want to sell their content.


All the methods listed here are best ways to earn money on youtube. You can use all methods at same time except the last one. All the methods listed here will give you huge income. You can double your income with existing subscribers and views.
I know all might not like all methods listed here but I recommend every one to use Affiliate Marketing and Google Adsense in your YouTube channel.
If you feel my article as helpful then why not to share it with friends. If you have any suggestions and want to add any other methods then do suggest me.


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